Trees. Trees everywhere.
Today was probably the most laid back day of Millennium Youth Camp. We finished up the projects with five or six work hours. Every group created a poster to present at the Gala tomorrow. And I mean the really cool posters that are done on PowerPoint and printed put on really large paper. I love designing those posters, but the combination of the format we wee using and the computers we had made it really tedious, as almost every time we tried to do something the entire text of the poster would just disappear. Finally, we managed to find a solution, and the poster looks great! 

Food Team working hard on their project. Photo Cred: Noora

The Applied Math group is often said to have the coolest project, but I think that's only because we have a whole board game to show off at the gala. We got the board printed out on large paper and glued it to some relatively nice cardboard (we even recycled in the making of the game! So true to the idea of the game). We also got the game pices printed, but something happend and they printed out way too large to be used with the board so we improvised (since we didn't have a color printer) and just used black and white pieces. I was unsure at first (we all were), but it all turned out really nice in the end. Daniel, with the help of one of our guides, Victor, made a program for randomizing the setup of the game (placement of the trash, etc.). It all came together without us having to skip out on other activities, which was nice. 
Also today were the jump pictures. Here, Team Materials Science jumps. Photo Credit: LUMA Center.

Tomorrow is the MYC 2014 Gala, where all of the groups get to present their projects to the whole camp as well as others. From what I heard, some ambassadors came last year. The whole thing begins with each group making a brief presentation, which we prepared today. I am one of my group's two speakers, whoch we actually decided a long time ago bu was really ultimately a given since the plan was to have one girl and one boy present in the group and I'm the only girl (the other couldn't come to camp). 
Camp Staff jump picture. Thanks to all of these amazing people for making this camp possible! Photo Credit: LUMA Center.
Besides group work, there was a presentation by a brainer (brain trainer, yes), Q&A with former campers studying in Finland (including both Applied Math guides), and sauna. Let me tell you, I was slightly skeptical of the whole sauna thing at first, but it was actually really great. Having left my room at 7:00, I didn't return until 9:30. Wrapped up the day with evening snack and some singing (including Counting Stars by OneRepublic!). 

It's hard to believe that only there are only two days left of camp. At the same time, it feels like we have been here longer than we have since we have been so busy. It will of course be sad to leave all of the wonderful people at camp and to leave this beautiful place. I'm sure all of us campers will stay in touch though, and it will be exciting to tell everyone back home about the whole experience. 

Wish us all luck at the Gala!

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