With MYC over and everyone still a bit sad that it ended, I decided to ask everyone if they had any advice for future applicants and campers. If you're reading this and hoping to apply, you're probably a dedicated individual, and we really want you to be able to have an amazing experience like we did this year. I didn't get too many responses to my tip request, but here are my own tips plus what I got from others. All of the ones without a name are me.
- In all stages of application, be natural. Write in a simple, concrete way. Communicate your ideas coherently. In the interview, just remember what your second stage project is about. - Francisco M.
- For the first round application, reflect on what events have really contributed to your scientific/mathematical growth and what events/awards have really demonstrated your ability. Those will probably be good things to mention in your application.
- Don't procrastinate on the second round application; put time aside, even if it means taking time away from other activities. You're in the top 20, so you have a good chance at making it into the camp if you do well.
- Be yourself. This is very related to what Francisco said.
- If they offer an interview, take it regardless of other conflicts. - Akila P.
- Don't be late for the interview! Not even a minute. Prepare for it by re-reading your project and what you wrote down when you first applied. - Daniel R.
- Definitely show you enthusiasm and stay yourself. Those are not business interviews, and it works best if you are relaxed, excited and informed (about your work in the second stage) at the same time. - Oliver M.
Getting Accepted:
- Feel free to freak out and jump up and down if you get accepted.
- If you aren't accepted, it's OK! If you will still be within the age limit next year, try again - you might just make it! There will be many other wonderful opportunities out there.
- Get to know your new MYC friends as soon as possible! Take advantage of social media and the camp's Edmodo group.
- Get to work on your project! It can be easy to kind of forget about it in the rush of school and all, but the more you do before the camp, the better!
- Think about your International Evening presentation BEFORE CAMP. So you don't end up doing it a dinner right before International Evening.
- HAVE FUN! MYC is an amazing experience!
I'd like to end with a very general and very good piece of advice from Anastasija S.:
Just work hard and put effort in what you're doing, because it really pays off in the end (and this applies not only to science programs).
I hope this helps!