Hello, denizens of Earth!
The previous post on this blog focused on the full application process for Millennium Youth Camp and mentioned some of the Urban Planning group's work. I'd like to springboard off of that and talk about my theme group, applied mathematics.
First, a bit about myself - I'm Jordan, a member of Team Applied Mathematics for MYC 2014. I hail from Central Arizona (USA) and am in the eleventh grade. I (really) like all of science and math and love interdisciplinary work. I'm an intern at the Arizona State University Biomedical Engineering Design Studio and an intern in the electrical engineering lab of Dr. Goryll through a program called SCENE. I'm a proud camper at Canada/USA Mathcamp. I eat pretzels with applesauce, listen primarily to radio stations with names beginning with "K", and play the coolest instrument ever (cello).
Applied Math...What?
Applied math is all about taking mathematics and applying it to real-life situations. To potential MYC applicants: this group might be a good fit for you if you enjoy mathematics and looking at situations from a mathematical perspective. Programmers would fit well, especially with this year's project (discussed later).
"I like math, but pure math, NOT applied"
I've been there. I mean, I go to a math camp that is all about pure math in all of its varieties, and one of my pet peeves is people who call my pure math "pointless" and talk about the need to apply math to life. So I was also hesitant about applying for the applied math group (haha). I have no regrets though; this group/project is constantly broadening my mathematical perspective and I am thoroughly enjoying it. So, my only advice is to GO FOR IT!
Second Round Group-Specific Assignment - Waste Collection
For those of you who are not familiar with the MYC application process, twenty students are chosen from each theme group for the second round of applications. The students are given an assignment to complete - which, at least this year, included a general assignment and a theme group-specific assignment. The math group was given three options to choose from based around the central theme of waste collection:
1) Develop a way to determine how to place trash cans in an area for maximum efficiency. I considered this, but I found the next option more attractive.
2) Develop a way to choose trash collection routes of maximum efficiency. I chose this one because I immediate thought graph theory, and that seemed attractive to me as more of a pure math person.
3) Develop a way to distinguish different types of trash for separation. When I read this, I basically read this as "write a program", and I didn't think my pitiful Python/Matlab while loops or Haskell recursive functions would make much headway on that, so I did not even consider this choice.
At first, I was thrilled to get started and did some preliminary work, but I got really busy with homework and stopped working until the last week. DO NOT DO THIS! I was so shocked to get in after my procrastination...especially because I realized that I had misread the question the day before the proposal was due! My final proposal involved using Dijkstra's algorithm to determine the best path from the starting point to the trash collection area, creating a simplified graph out of the area and using some heuristics or designing a game to determine the best path to take, and, in the case of multiple neighborhoods, using a knapsack problem setup to divide the neighborhoods among different collection trucks.
How does one approach the second round assignment? Well, young apprentice, READ THE ASSIGNMENT CAREFULLY (unlike me). Seriously, break it down and constantly refer back to it to ensure that your work is helping to solve the right problem. Also, do not be afraid to do some research. It is totally okay to apply already-known mathematical techniques to your problem. Lastly, don't procrastinate, stay organized, and write your equations and diagrams out clearly and logically (once again, things I didn't do).
The Interview
A slightly different story than the previous - I was thrilled to get a phone interview, but not thrilled that my options were something like 3:00 am and 5:00 am on the first weekend of my spring break. So I asked for a later time if possible, and my interviewer was wonderful enough to interview me at 10:00.
I got up that morning thinking that the interview was at 9:00, and I sat and waited, reading through more information about the topic of my project since I was concerned that I would be asked about it. Then, I realized that I had the time wrong, but I just kept waiting since I had nothing better to do. When I hadn't gotten a call by 11:00, I was concerned. Then, I got a call from my dad, who received a call from my interviewer - I had put down the wrong phone number (at this point, you are all probably wondering how I got into the camp. I have wondered the same thing). Fortunately, with this issue resolved, I got the call and had the interview. This is not a stage to freak out at - my interviewer was really friendly and asked me a few questions, only one about my actual math project and some others about my previous experiences, hopes for the camp, and future aspirations.
My suggestions? Stay calm, get a good night's rest before the interview, and make sure to have a quiet place to talk to the interviewer. I also suggest a Skype interview, simply because I did have some reception issues over the phone. Depending on where you are this might not be the case. Keep a copy of your second round application work out in case you need to reference it. And most of all, be yourself and speak passionately about your interests in mathematics and science.
Getting Accepted
I remember it very well - I had just woken up at 7:50 am after going to sleep at 3:30 am (don't ask). The sun was up and light was shining through my blinds, and suddenly I heard my phone. I checked and saw that I had gotten an email from the camp. Prepared for failure, I opened it, and was ecstatic to find my name on the list of selected students.
The excitement did not stop there - I soon began to communicate with the other campers online. In April, we received our group projects. My group's project is sponsored by Rovio (I can read your mind right now: Angry Birds). We are designing a game where the goal is finding the best paths for trash collection. I am really impressed with the entire idea!
If you have questions for me about anything (application process, the mathematics group, my other experiences, totally unrelated stuff), feel free to comment and I will try to answer! I am thrilled to be a part of this camp and meet so many incredible people from around the world.